
Saturday, April 16, 2016

How are her titles chosen? Sundari Venkatraman answers!

RMHow do you choose your titles?

SV:Hi Dhivya,

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to write a post on your blog for #AAFA promotions.

Regarding titles of my books...

The first 2-3 weren’t too difficult as The Malhotra Bride and Meghna just popped into my mind. I didn’t think twice as they were unique and had no competition on Google search.

The third book was The Runaway Bridegroom. I zeroed in on the title and went hunting on Google. I was thrilled to note that while many brides have run away in multiple romances, never had a bridegroom left his woman at the altar. Was I lucky! :D

So, a search for this title also throws up only my book. Over a period, this became an important point when I choose the title – the uniqueness.

Matches Made in Heaven is fairly common and I wish I had thought more before going with that as it’s a common phrase and oft-used. But then, I suppose one can’t win them all.

The Madras Affair – I was thrilled to zone in on this one, suggested by my publisher. I actually jumped at it. Madras is very close to my heart as I spent the first half of my life there. The title is oh-so-perfect for the book.

An Autograph for Anjali is the result of a lot of thinking. I prefer to use proper nouns as they tend to be unique for one thing. I also prefer to use a title that’s essentially Indian. For that too, using the name of a protagonist is of great help.

These are the criteria for how I land up with the titles that I have so far. 

Note: Readers' Muse thanks the author for her thoughtful and candid answer to such a nosy question :D


  1. I love nosy questions, pertaining to my novels of course ;)
    Thank you for hosting me :D

  2. :D The titles are always attractive. I remember trying to choose a title for #AAFA :)
    Nice Q Dhivya and perfect A Sundari


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